Thursday, September 5, 2013

Save Your Files Or Any Other Material

Now-a-days everyone wants to protect his files and keep it safe from others. If we search in the internet we will find many software to Protect Files but If anyone wants to Protect Files without using any software then he can do it by following some step by step procedure:-

1. Download my locker zip file from this .... My Locker.bat

2. Open “My Locker.bat” file

3.Then type 1 and press enter to create a “Folder”.Then give a name of your lock folder.

4.The folder will be created in your Local Drive.For example if you run the “My Locker.bat” file from desktop then it will create file in your C Drive.Again if you run the “My Locker.bat” from any other drive location then the folder will be created in the same Local Drive(D:\ or E:\ or F:\ etc. )

5.After creating your lock folder successfully It will ask you to set a password for that folder.You can set different password for different folder.

6.Now keep all the doccuments or data you want to Protect in the Lock Folder you have crated which will be seen in the Local Drive(C:\ or D:\ or E:\ etc.)

7.Now open the “My Locker.bat” file again and “Type 2” to Lock The Folder.

It will ask you to type the folder name you want to lock.

When you type the folder name that you have created in Step 3 it will show you “Locked successfully”

8.Now if you want to unlock the Locked Folder then “Type 3”.

It will ask you to type the folder name you want to unlock.Type the folder name and press Enter then type the password you have set for that folder and press Enter again.

9.After a few seconds It will show “Unlocked successfully” and your folder will be unlocked.

Play ben 10 oyunlari

Mr bean games

cinema games

ben 10 oyunlari

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Download Youtube Videos Without Any Software On Any Mobile and pc

Download youtube videos on any mobile by simply the additional two letters ss to youtube url. You can directly download videos from your phone default web browser or any other third party browsers like Opera, Uc brwoser.

Choose a video on youtube to download.
To Download video add the letters ss at the begining of your youtube video url.


Normal Youtube Video Link:

After Adding Letters "ss" To The Link:

It not only download the videos but also automatically converts videos to different formats.

You can download any of the following formats. FLV: 240p, 360p, 480p, MP4: 360p, 720p, 720p,3GP: 144p, 240p,WebM: 360p, 480p,


Download and Run Android Apps for PC

This is very easy to use and very useful to download and running android apps or games for free.

Download and Run Android Apps for PC :

Step 1) First of all, you need to download Bluestacks in PC or Mac.

Download This

Step 2) After download, you need to install it in your Pc or Mac.

Step 3) Now Open Bluestacks Application in your Pc.

Step 4) Now you find a Search Bar in the center of this application.

Step 5) Now just find any android app/game which you want to download.

Step 6) After find any android app/game click to download.

Step 7) Now after download the android app/game then your app or game installing automatically.

Step 8) After installing, Click on the your app/game which already downloaded to Run.

In this way you download and run android app in pc, you also search many games or apps and download and install it in your pc, Now This time for playing and enjoying.

I hope you like this trick please share it with your friends :)

cinema games

How to Hack Wifi Password

First of all you need to scan for available wireless networks.
you can use“NetStumbler” or “Kismet” for Windows and Linux and KisMac for Mac.

It’ll also show how the Wi-fi network is encrypted. The two most common encryption techniques are:

1) WEP (Wire Equivalent Privacy )

2) WAP(Wireless Application Protocol)

WEP allows a hacker to crack a WEP key easily whereas WAP is currently the most secure and best option to secure a wi-fi network

It can’t be easily cracked as WEP because the only way to retreive a WAP key is to use a brute-force attack or dictionary atack.

How to Crack WEP :
To crack WEP we will be using Live Linux distribution called BackTrack to crack WEP.

BackTrack have lots of preinstalled softwares but for this time
The tools we will be using on Backtrack are:

a)Kismet – a wireless network detector
b)airodump – captures packets from a wireless router
c)aireplay – forges ARP requests
d)aircrack – decrypts the WEP keys

Follow the steps :

1) First of all we have to find a wireless access point along with its bssid, essid and channel number. To do this we will run kismet by opening up the terminal and typing in kismet. It may ask you for the appropriate adapter which in my case is ath0. You can see your device’s name by typing in the command iwconfig.

2) To be able to do some of the later things, your wireless adapter must be put into monitor mode. Kismet automatically does this and as long as you keep it open, your wireless adapter will stay in monitor mode.

3) In kismet you will see the flags Y/N/0. Each one stands for a different type of encryption. In our case we will be looking for access points with the WEP encryption. Y=WEP N=OPEN 0=OTHER(usually WAP).

4) Once you find an access point, open a text document and paste in the networks broadcast name (essid), its mac address (bssid) and its channel number. To get the above information, use the arrow keys to select an access point and hit to get more information about it.

5) The next step is to start collecting data from the access point with airodump. Open up a new terminal and start airodump by typing in the command:

airodump-ng -c [channel#] -w [filename] –bssid [bssid] [device]

In the above command airodump-ng starts the program, the channel of your access point goes after -c , the file you wish to output the data goes after -w , and the MAC address of the access point goes after –bssid. The command ends with the device name. Make sure to leave out the brackets.

6) Leave the above running and open another terminal. Next we will generate some fake packets to the target access point so that the speed of the data output will increase. Put in the following command:

aireplay-ng -1 0 -a [bssid] -h 00:11:22:33:44:55:66 -e [essid] [device]

In the above command we are using the airplay-ng program. The -1 tells the program the specific attack we wish to use which in this case is fake authentication with the access point. The 0 cites the delay between attacks, -a is the MAC address of the target access point, -h is your wireless adapters MAC address, -e is the name (essid) of the target access point, and the command ends with the your wireless adapters device name.

7) Now, we will force the target access point to send out a huge amount of packets that we will be able to take advantage of by using them to attempt to crack the WEP key. Once the following command is executed, check your airodump-ng terminal and you should see the ARP packet count to start to increase. The command is:

aireplay-ng -3 -b [bssid] -h 00:11:22:33:44:5:66 [device]

In this command, the -3 tells the program the specific type of attack which in this case is packet injection, -b is the MAC address of the target access point, -h is your wireless adapters MAC address, and the wireless adapter device name goes at the end.
Once you have collected around 50k-500k packets, you may begin the attempt to break the WEP key. The command to begin the cracking process is:

aircrack-ng -a 1 -b [bssid] -n 128 [filename].ivs

In this command the -a 1 forces the program into the WEP attack mode, the -b is the targets MAC address,and the -n 128 tells the program the WEP key length. If you don’t know the -n , then leave it out. This should crack the WEP key within seconds. The more packets you capture, the bigger chance you have of cracking the WEP key.

Blogger Much Better than Wordpress

1) Totaly Free Hosting :I mean to say that blogger provides totaly free hosting. No need of think about blog getting down in your blogging career. This is one of the is the major point that make blogger is the better blogging platform. But wordpress does not providing free hosting like blogger. If you create new wordpress blog, your wordpress blog would be subdomain of i.e ( But if you think your blog looks like professional blog, you need to buy better domain as well as self hosting. So, I suggest you to make a blog on blogger because blogger is the best blog platform.

2) Earn Money :Google Adsense Ads does not allow to put his ads on free wordpress blog with a subdomain of wordpress i.e ( So Google Adsense Ads only allow put his ads on self hosted wordpress blog and need to buy domain for your wordpress blog. But these faults does not face blogger, I mean to say you can easily display Google Adsense Ads on your free blogger blog would be subdomain of i.e ( You also very easy to installing google adsense in your blogger blog with different locations.

3) Indexed in Google Super Fast :Blogger blog is indexed in Google faster because blogger being bought by in feb 2003 that was why it gives more importance by Google. So Google's own service means blogger is better blogging platform as compared to all other blogging platforms. So blogger blog get indexed in google fastly than wordrpess or other blogging platforms. Mostly users use Google Adwords Tool to boost up traffic and faster the rating of indexing.

4) Easy to Use :Blogger is very easy to use, because after single login you can access all of your blogger blog, it is also very easy to writing posts, create labels and published in your blog and more like arrange your widgets.
Wordpress is not easy to use because it has many difficult functions. So Blogger is very easy to use as compared to wordpres.

5) Customize Your Template :In blogger you can easily upload a simple template in blog and you would be able to make more changes in your blog template, you also customize your template easily as compared to worpress. You just go Template > Edit Html option in blogger and with the help of many tutorials to makes better changes in your template and make your templat looks like professional.
But in wordpress it is not simple to edit your template's cooding. This is one of the main defect of wordpress. You cannot easy to customize your wordpress blog template and you cannot add more codes to make like professional. So I advise you to choose blogger blog for blogging.

6) Fully SEO Optimized :Many users talking about wordpress blog are more SEO optimizations, but this is not true. But the same level of SEO are succeed by blogger. Change is that Wordpress provides more extra tools such as add the meta tags automatically for different posts, but it can manually done in Edit Html option in blogger template.

So I wished you to choose blogger for blogging platform and blogger is better blogging platform than other blogging platforms like wordpress etc. When you get any another profit from wordpress that you do not get from blogger, then choose wordpress blogging platform.


Blogger Much Better than Wordpress

1) Totaly Free Hosting :I mean to say that blogger provides totaly free hosting. No need of think about blog getting down in your blogging career. This is one of the is the major point that make blogger is the better blogging platform. But wordpress does not providing free hosting like blogger. If you create new wordpress blog, your wordpress blog would be subdomain of i.e ( But if you think your blog looks like professional blog, you need to buy better domain as well as self hosting. So, I suggest you to make a blog on blogger because blogger is the best blog platform.

2) Earn Money :Google Adsense Ads does not allow to put his ads on free wordpress blog with a subdomain of wordpress i.e ( So Google Adsense Ads only allow put his ads on self hosted wordpress blog and need to buy domain for your wordpress blog. But these faults does not face blogger, I mean to say you can easily display Google Adsense Ads on your free blogger blog would be subdomain of i.e ( You also very easy to installing google adsense in your blogger blog with different locations.

3) Indexed in Google Super Fast :Blogger blog is indexed in Google faster because blogger being bought by in feb 2003 that was why it gives more importance by Google. So Google's own service means blogger is better blogging platform as compared to all other blogging platforms. So blogger blog get indexed in google fastly than wordrpess or other blogging platforms. Mostly users use Google Adwords Tool to boost up traffic and faster the rating of indexing.

4) Easy to Use :Blogger is very easy to use, because after single login you can access all of your blogger blog, it is also very easy to writing posts, create labels and published in your blog and more like arrange your widgets.
Wordpress is not easy to use because it has many difficult functions. So Blogger is very easy to use as compared to wordpres.

5) Customize Your Template :In blogger you can easily upload a simple template in blog and you would be able to make more changes in your blog template, you also customize your template easily as compared to worpress. You just go Template > Edit Html option in blogger and with the help of many tutorials to makes better changes in your template and make your templat looks like professional.
But in wordpress it is not simple to edit your template's cooding. This is one of the main defect of wordpress. You cannot easy to customize your wordpress blog template and you cannot add more codes to make like professional. So I advise you to choose blogger blog for blogging.

6) Fully SEO Optimized :Many users talking about wordpress blog are more SEO optimizations, but this is not true. But the same level of SEO are succeed by blogger. Change is that Wordpress provides more extra tools such as add the meta tags automatically for different posts, but it can manually done in Edit Html option in blogger template.

So I wished you to choose blogger for blogging platform and blogger is better blogging platform than other blogging platforms like wordpress etc. When you get any another profit from wordpress that you do not get from blogger, then choose wordpress blogging platform.


Get Your Blog SEO Optimized by Adding Script

This is my first article about SEO means Search Engine Optimization. Previously, I posted article about blogger and wordpress Blogger mcuh better than Wordpress. Today i am found new and latest script that easy to understand and install in you blog. It will boost a lot of things due to its SEO friendly nature it will surely get more visitors from search engines. It will provide you with more high search results and decrease bounce rate of your blog.

It is combination of three scripts all togehter that external links no-following script, links opening in new tab script and image title and alt tags script.

How to Install Script in Blogger:

1. Go Blogger > Template > Edit HTML

2. Now Press Ctrl +F and Search code in your template, and paste below code above it.

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
jQuery('a').each(function(){// Let's make external links nofollow. var href=jQuery(this).attr('href');if (typeof href !='undefined' && href !="" && (href.indexOf('http://') !=-1 || href.indexOf('https://') !=-1) && href.indexOf(window.location.hostname)==-1){jQuery(this).attr("rel", "nofollow");}});//]]></script>

<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
jQuery('a').each(function(){// Let's make external links open in a new tab. var href=jQuery(this).attr('href');if (typeof href !='undefined' && href !="" && (href.indexOf('http://') !=-1 || href.indexOf('https://') !=-1) && href.indexOf(window.location.hostname)==-1){jQuery(this).attr("target", "_blank");}});//]]></script>

<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
$(document).ready(function(){$('img').each(function(){var $img=$(this);var filename=$img.attr('src') $img.attr('alt', filename.substring((filename.lastIndexOf('/'))+1, filename.lastIndexOf('.')));});});//]]></script>

3. Now Save your template and refresh your blog.

In this way you get your blog SEO Optimized with no-following option , automatic externals links and image tags and opening links in new tab. So I am sure you get more visitors from search engines.

List of all USSD Codes For All Networks

Hi friends, Today i am sharing a very useful and impotant post about Ussd codes ( Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) of few main networks like reliance, aircel, docomo, airtel, idea, vodafone. USSD code that all of us need sometime and as there are so many ussd code and we can't memories all so guy we simply putting all at one place so that whenver you want then you simply checkout our blog and use these below given USSD code.

List of all USSD Codes For All Networks:

1) Aircel USSD Codes:

Aircel Customer Care Number - 121 or 123
Your Aircel Number - dial *131# or *1#
Balance Check - *125# or BAL to 121
Local Mobile Calls Balance - *111*4#
Internet Setting - PI to 121 or ALL to 121
Check GPRS Balance - *126*4# or *126*1# or *301#
3G Activation - START 3G to 121
Switch Off - *21*904#
DND Service - DND to 1909
Rate Cutter - 1215 or *122#
e-Recharge - *124*(your aircel number)#
Value Added Service - 1214
IMIS no - *222# or *2# or *214#
Aircel free 3G Service - *122*5*1# or *122*456# ( 6 am to 9 am IST till 15th May)
Aircel Free Hellotune - UL to 5800000 ( not confirmed )
Free Sms Message Center No - +919808932698 or +91905063222 or +919050563221
Balance Transfer - *122*666#

2) Airtel USSD Codes :

Airtel Customer Care Number - 121
Airtel Voucher :- *101*your voucher card no#
Know your mobile number - *282#, *121*9# , *140*1600#, *400*2*1*1*0#*121*9# , *121*11# for 3G, *121*11# for 3G &, Just send a blank sms to 59103.
Airtel Complaint no - 198
DND Service - dial 1909 ( Activation or Deactivation )
Balance Check - *123#
Mobile Office Activate or Deactivation - *567#
Airtel Gift Service - *141#
To check Airtel 2G data balance :- Dial *123*10#
To check Airtel 3G data balance :- Dial *123*11#
Twitter Service - *515#
Facebook service - *325#
Daily pack 2G internet - *555*2#
Recharge - dial 123
Airtel live Setting - LIVE to 52567
Gprs Packs - MRP GPRS to 51619
Mobile Portability - PORT to 1909
3G Activation - 3G to 121
Airtel Callertune Trick - 543211888
Balance Transfer - *141# and Choose Options.
Receive Airtel Live Settings :- SMS LIVE to 52567receive Airtel Live Settings :- SMS LIVE to 52567
To Stop any services - SMS STOP to 121/1210
To Start any services - SMS START to 121/1210

3) Bsnl USSD Codes :

To know your Mobile Number - Dial 164 and call or *8888#
Balance and validity details - *123#
GPRS data balance check - *123*10#
SMS local - *123*1#
National sms - *123*2#
Network call - *123*5#
Local network call - *123*6# (data bal check for UP)
Night GPRS pack - *123*8#
Video call bal - *123*9#
Customer care Eastern region - 9400024365
FnF Numbers Enquiry - Dial *124#
SMS Balance Enquiry - Dial *125#
Voice Packs Info - (RC200) : *126#
Last Call Charge Details - *102#
Data Balance Enquiry - *234#

4) Reliance USSD Codes :

To know Mobile Number : *1#
To Check balance or validity period : *367# ,*333*1*1*1#, *306# &, *702#
Special Packs :- *777#
Caller Tunes – *999#
Packs :- *123# , *321#
Latest Balance information :- *333*1*2*1#
VAS balance :- *333*1*4*1#
Activate Caller Tune :- *333*3*1*1#
Deactivate caller tune :- *333*3*1*2#
Local Call balance :- *367*2#
common access no. or admin menu :- *369
GPRS data balance :- *367*3#
GPRS data balance for check type :- "MBAL" and send to "55333" ( don't put -- " " )
Reliance customer care :- *333 , *369
Activate Miss Call alert :- *333*3*2*1#
Deactivate Miss call alert :- *333*3*2*2#
For GPRS setting :- "ALL" to "55100"
Reliance Voucher :- *368# or *305*14 digit pin# and call info 58401
Free Internet :- *123*099#

5) Vodafone USSD Codes :

Vodafone Customer Care Number - 111 or 198 (Complaint No)
Main Balance Check - *141#
Gprs Balance Check - *141*9# or *111*6#
Know 3G data card balance :- *111*5*2#
Your Vodafone Number - *121*0# or *555# or *8888# or Dial 164 or *111*2#
SMS Balance - *142#
Call Balance Check - *145#
3G Activation - Prepaid-> ACT 3G to 144, Postpaid-> ACT 3G to 111
Gprs balance data balance :- GPRS to 144
Night GPRS balance :- *123*8#
20 MB 3G plan :- *444*8# (for old plan)

1 day GPRS pack - *121*05#
3 days GPRS pack - *121*14#
7 days GPRS pack - *121*25#
15 days GPRS pack - *121*49#
1 month GPRS pack - *121*98#

3G GPRS Packs:
5GB 1 month 3G - *121*851#
8GB 1 month 3G - *121*1251#
DND Service - dial 1909 then choose option Activation or Deactivation
Rate Cutter - *121*10# and 10 paise per min activated on your mobile.
Hellotune Trick - dial 5525 or 54206090 and select song Activated in your mobile.
Balance Transfer - *131*#

6) Idea USSD Codes :

Idea Customer Care Number - 12345 or 198 (complaint no)
Balance Checker - *123# or *130# or *212#
3G Activation - ACT 3G to 12345
Activated Service For idea Live Tv - 3GTV To 54777
Activated Service For idea GPRS - FRESH To 4666
Deactivated Service For idea Cricket - UNSUB ONDCKTPOR To 55456
Idea Service Number - *147#
Idea GPRS Setting - SET to 54671
Hunny Bunny Hellotune - HB to 56789
Your Idea Number - *100#
Check Mobile Number :- *789# or *100# ( For Karnataka )
SMS Balance - *161*1# or *451#
DND Service - START 0 to 1909 or Call 1909
Balance Transfer - *567*#
Transfer Limit - 10 to 50 Rs.

7) Docomo USSD Codes :

Know Your Mobile Number - *1#
Balance - *111# or call 12525
Internet Balance - *111*1#
Customer Care 121 or 198
1909 or sms START DND to 1909
Recharge - *135*2#
Activating daily/weekly/new services/Internet Packs - *141#
More Info - *191# (last 3 recharges , VAS, etc….)
To Activate 3G - ACT3G to 53333
To Know Our No - *580#

Increase Download Speed of IDM using IDM Optimizer:

Internet Download Manager as we said is the best download manager right now available as compared to any other download manager like DAP, Microsoft Lightweight Download Manager, Orbit and many others. Well we just got our hands on IDM Optimizer, it’s a small utility which boosts your IDM speed by modifying some registry entries like it will change Connection Speed, Connection type, Max Connection Numbers and some other few entries. So this is what above kind of Window you will see when you will fire up the IDM Optimizer software. So it has a simple Maximize Now button which when clicked will popup a note to restart IDM so that it can take effect. Well you can see it also has a Restore Default button which will restore all the settings which IDM came with you can use that if you think that you are not getting good speeds.

1. Download IDM Optimizer Tool Here.(

2. Now make sure IDM is installed on your PC, as this tool will only optimize IDM if its physically present on your system.

3. Now just fire up your IDM Optimizer and than you will see window like above just click on Maximize Now and you will get a note asking you to restart your IDM do that and once restart your PC.

4. That’s it now your IDM is boosted with speed, try to download any file and check out if speeds are good or not.

5. If you want to restore your default settings than you can click on Restore Default.

6. That’s it guys now you have boosted your IDM with Speed, optimized it for faster downloads have fun :) and do share this post with all friends.

Delete ADMIN account password in windows .

Method 1 .

Boot up with DOS and delete the sam.exe and sam.log files from Windows\system32\config in your hard drive. Now when you boot up in NT the password on your built-in administrator account which will be blank (i.e No password). This solution works only if your hard drive is FAT kind.

Method 2

Step 1. Put your hard disk of your computer in any other pc.

Step 2. Boot that computer and use your hard disk as a secondary hard disk (D'nt boot as primary hard disk)

Step 3. Then open that drive in which the victim’s window(or your window) is installed.

Step 4. Go to location windows->system32->configStep 5. And delete SAM.exe and SAM.log

Step 6. Now remove hard disk and put in your computer.

Step 7. And boot your computer :-)

Internet Download Manager 6.17.6 (Latest Version) Crack and Skins

What's NeW?

- Changed Google Chrome extension
- Resolved problems with downloading videos from several sites
- Fixed a bug with high CPU loading

This is very simple to use:

Step 1 : Download the files

Step 2 : Unrar or extract the files

Step 3 : Copy and paste all the extracted files in Windows Installed drive (default C:\) \Program Files\Internet Download Manager

Step 4 : If your using 64 bit windows, then click on the file RUN-x64.reg or if you're using 32 bit windows, then click on the file RUN-x86.reg. Remember to click yes or accept any requests. Denying any of them won't let you use the full version.

IDM Installer

IDM Crack Download

Totally working....Please comment or share and help more people get this!



################################################## ##

Vlc = Video/Music
Flash Plugin = BT5 Forums
Feh = Picture Viewer
Easytether = Android Tethering
Bless = Hex Editor
Gparted = HDD partition Editor
Transmission = Torrent Client
Crunch = Passwordlist generator
################################################## ##

rm -rf /root/.kde/cache-bt
rm -rf /root/.kde/cache-root
tar xvfz flashplayer10_2_p3_64bit_linux_111710.tar.gz
chown root:root
chmod 0644
cp -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
rm -rf
ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/

tar xvfz install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz
mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins
mv -f ~/.mozilla/plugins/
edit with hex editor
change the line

################################################## ##

Commands = Action **** = your input

startx = GUI
alsamixer = Volume Control
cd = change working directory
reboot = reboot
poweroff = shutdown
rfkill list = wifi problems
rfkill unblock all = wifi on
rm /***/** = delete file
rm -rf /****/** = harsh delete
iwconfig = wireless config/list
ifconfig = wired config/list

################################################## ##


kill **** = PID number

################################################## ##

hciconfig hci0 up = on
hciconfig hci0 = info
hcitool scan hci0 = find devices

################################################## ##

easytether connect
***new konsole
dhclient eaytether0

################################################## ##

TAR/RAR/ZIP = cd to directory
tar zxf file.tar.gz
tar xvfz ******.tar.gz
tar -zxvf ******.tgz
tar xvf *******.tar.gz2
tar jxf file.tar.bz2
tar zxvf file.tgz
unzip ******.zip
unrar x ****.rar

################################################## ##

aptitude install **** =install
apt-get **** = install
apt-get update = update repos
apt-get remove [--purge] **** = uninstall plue dependencies
apt-cache search = search repos

################################################## ##

start device
>> hciconfig hci0 up
find device info
>> hciconfig hci0

################################################## ##

rfkill unblock all = start wifi
airmon-ng start wlan0 = start monitor mode
airdump-ng mon0 = monitor all
airdump-ng -c *channel --*****bssid -w psk mon0 = catch handshake
aireplay-ng -0 5 -a****acsespoint -c ***conectdcomp mon0 = deauth attack
mdk3 = stronger deauth attack

12 Tips to Maintain a Virus Free Computer

Is your computer infected with virus? Do you often get mysterious error messages? Well, this is a common problem faced by almost all the computer users across the globe.

Even though some of them are harmless, they do have the ability to do a number of nasty things up to and including damaging or erasing sensitive data from your computer. However, there are ways to keep viruses and other malware away from your computer.

Ways to Keep Your Computer Virus Free:

Here are the 12 tips to maintain a virus free computer:

1.Email is one of the common ways by which your computer can catch a virus. So, it is always recommended to stay away from SPAM. Open only those emails that has its origin from a trusted source such as those which comes from your contact list.

If you are using your own private email host (other than Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc.) then it is highly recommended that you use a good spam filter. And finally NEVER click on any links in the emails that comes from untrusted sources.

2.USB thumb/pen drives is another common way by which viruses spread rapidly. So, it is always a good habit to perform a virus scan before copying any data onto your computer. NEVER double-click the pen drive to open it. Instead right-click on it and select the option “open”. This is the safe way to open a pen drive.

3.Be careful about using MS Outlook. Outlook is more susceptible to worms than other e-mail programs, unless you have an efficient antivirus programs running. Use Pegasus or Thunderbird (by Mozilla), or a web-based program such as Hotmail or Yahoo (In Firefox).

4.As we all know, Internet is the main source of all malicious programs including viruses, worms, trojans etc. In fact, Internet contributes to virus infection by up to 80 percent. So, here are the tips for safe surfing habits so that you can ward off virus infection up to the maximum possible extent.

.Do not click on pop-up windows that announce a sudden disaster in your city or announce that you’ve won an hourly prize. They are the ways to mislead Internet users and you should never trust them.

.You can also use a pop-up blocker to automatically block those pop-ups.

5.Most of us use search engines like Google to find what we are looking for. It is quite obvious for a malicious website to get listed in the search results. So, in order to avoid visiting those untrusted malicious websites, you can download and install the AVG LinkScanner which is a freeware. This tool can become very handy and will help you to stay away from those malicious websites.

6.Install a good antivirus software and keep it updated. Also perform full system scan periodically. It is highly recommended that you turn on the automatic update feature. This is the most essential task to protect your PC from viruses. If PC security is your first option then it is recommended that you go for a shareware antivirus software rather than using the freeware stuffs.

Most of the antivirus programs offer the auto-protect feature that provides real-time security for your PC. Make sure that this feature is turned on.

7.In addition to an antivirus, it is worthwhile to spend a few bucks on a good anti-spyware program. This can provide extra security for your computer.

8.Never open any email attachments that come from untrusted sources. If it is a picture, text or sound file (these attachments end in the extensions .txt, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .tif, .mp3, .htm, .html, and .avi), you are probably safe, but still perform a virus scan before opening them.

9.Do not use disks that other people gave you, even from work. The disk could be infected with a virus. Of course, you can run a virus scan on it first to check it out.

10.Set up your Windows update to automatically download patches and upgrades. This will allow your computer to automatically download any updates to both the operating system and Internet Explorer. These updates fix security holes in both pieces of software.

11.While you download files from untrusted websites/sources such as torrents, warez etc. make sure that you run a virus scan before executing them.

12.And finally it is recommended not to visit those websites that feature illegal/unwanted stuffs such as cracks, serials, warez etc. as they contribute much in spreading of virus and other malicious programs.

cinema games

Top 10 Open Sources Tools For Web Developers

Top 10 Open Sources Tools For Web Developers

1. Aptana Studio

• It supports latest Web technologies like HTML5 , CSS3, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Pyhton with information about the level of supports for each element major Web Browsers.

• Syntax highlighting, auto- completion of code.

• Git integration

• Inbuilt deployment wizardc to help pubils your Web application.

• Integrated debugger - the most important component of an IDE, lets you set breakpoint, variables and control execution.

• Build- in terminal to access OS commands.

2. Komodo Edit

• Also supports Cloud-based projects.

• It uses the Mozilaa code-base, along with Scintilla. Also have a Firefox type extention system for finding and installing add-ons.

• Suppots python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScripts, SQL, Tcl, XML.

• Syntax highlighting, auto- completion of code and call tips.

• Has added supports Node.js, CoffeeScripts, LESS, SCSS, EJS and epMojo.

• has a inbulit FTP clients lets you access remotly hosted files without having to create a project or download an entire directory tree. If Firefox is your browser of choice, you would feel right at home with Komodo.

3. NetBeans

• It started as an IDE for Java programming, but now you can create professional desktop, enterprise, Web, and mobile application with java as well as C/C++, PHP, JavaScript, Groovy and Ruby.

• Is also know for its great Debugging.

4. Drupal

• Is just as Wordpress and Joomla. It lacks high-quality themes like those available for the others two CMS, but it is unique in its own way, and preferred for its good technique design and mantainability.

• Getting static pages on a Drupal site is easier than in Wordpress and Joomla.

• The Drupal module for social media integration is easier to work with than its counterpart for Wordpress or Joomla.

• Ubercart, the e-commerce tools for Drupal is excellent. You might have a trouble working with the e-commerce tools for WordPress or Joomla.

• Drupal, being old has grown a lot and has a large community base, so you'll not be alone.Community support is very good in my experience.

5. MySQL

• Is the most powerful and popular database and hardly needs introduction.

• However, its enterprise version is not free, but compared to other enterprise solution, it is still the best choice for its price and the supprot is awesome.

• The free version of MySQL servers as the foundation for the CMS and various other software.

• You can administer the database using the command-line utility mysql , with dozens of command for effective managment.

• You acn integrate it with the PHP, Java and other programmming languages to make an effective

• You can use MySQL, Workbench which is a GUI tool for integration of database design, administration and maintenance into a single IDE for the MySQL database system.

6. Apache Web Server

• Popular WebServer since April 1996 and hosts nearly 60% of Web domains.

• Though devloped for UNIX -like OS's it also runs on Windos, Mac OS X and others.

• Common languages interface support PHP, Perl, Tcl and Python.

• Virtual hosting allows one Apache installation to server many differnt websites.

• Supports password authentication and digital certification authentication.

• As its source code is available, you can modify it according to your needs, if you know what you are doing.

• Other features include Secure Sockets Layers, Transport layer Security support, a URL re-writer and custom log files.

7. Apache Tomcat

• As stated by its website, Apache TomCat is an open Source software implementation of the Java Script and Java Server Page technologies.

• TomCat should not be confused with the Apache Server. TomCat is a Web conatiner that servers Web pages written in Java, while Apache is an HTTP server written in C.

• I have used it with Eclipse IDE, and I can vouch for the fact tha it is pure plug-and-play; no hard-and-fast configuration is needed.

8. Inkscape

• Inkscape is a vector- based graphics application, and by far the most popular open source options for a graphics tools if you aim to decorate your Website.

• The programe supports the standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format, as well as many others.

• It imports files from many formats, including .jpg .png .tif and others, and exports to numerous vector-basd formats and .png.

• Dont compare it with its proprietary counterparts, as they are more powerful but among free tools Inkscape is the Best and is being devloped further.

9. FileZilla

• Fre and Open source FTP, FTPS and SFTP clients. Also available as a server if you want to make file available to others, but this works only for Windows.

• Create in January 2001 by Tim Klosse as a class project, Filezilla has gone on to become the fifth most important popular download of all time from

• Supprots FTP,FTP over SSL/TLS(FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)

• Being Cross Platform it runs on Windows , Linux, *BSD , Mac OS X and more.

• Supports resume and transfer of files larger than 4 GB.

• IPv6 support.

• Configurable transfer speed limits.

• Network configuration wizard.

• HTTP/1.1 ,SOCKS5 and FTP-Proxy supports.

• Synchronised directory browsing.

• But, your IDE lacks an in-builts FTP client for deploying websites.


• If you want to install a full LAMP or WAMP stack, it's hard to configure them all and get the site live. XAMMP has changed this, with a simple easy-to-install Apache distribution conataining MySQL, PHP, Pearl for quickly setting up a devlopment envirnoment locally.

• XAMMP is supported on multiple OS : Windows , Linux, Solaris , Mac OS X

• It is designed with the Web devlopers in mind, giving you the power and flexibility of a test Web Server without the hassle of setting up a dedicated box running a special server operating system, just for site testing.

• When it comes to throwing a server out into the wild, however proper hardened security is a must and operating system designed specifically for server should be used for public facing production sites, instead of XAMPP.So. the simple advice is to give XAMPP to stay confine in an internal LAN.

How to hide your PC from the network

How to hide your PC from the


This is a tutorial on how to hide
your machine from the network.

Go to Run --> cmd

After that type the following
command, as the snapshot shows:
net config server /hidden:yes

Press Enter.

* Reboot your machine and wait for
a while.

* If you want it back to be not
hidden, write:
net config server /hidden:no

* Then reboot your machine and
wait for a while.
Thats it.

PC Errors & Solutions

PC Errors & Solutions

1. MONITOR LED IS BLINKING Check all the connections likeMonitor Cable, Data cables,RAM, Display Card CPU connections.

2. CONTINUOUS THREE BEEPS Problem in RAM Connection.

3. THREE BEEPS ( 1 Long 2 Short) Problem in Display Card Connection

4. THREE LONG BEEPS PERIOD WISE Problem in BIOS or RAM (Basic Input Output System)

5. CONTINUOS NON-STOP BEEPING Key Board Problem (I.e.; Some Key is pressed forLonger time)

6. FDD LED IS GLOWING CONTINUOSLY Data cable to be connected properly (twisted cable).

7. NO DISPLAY ON THE SCREEN AT ALL Hard Disk cable connected wrongly. Connect rightly seeing the Red mark (Faces power supply) and then Restart.


a. Check main power cord
b. Check S.M.P.S.
c. Check Mother Board connection

9. SHOWING CMOS ERROR Replace 3 Volt battery of Mother Board . Set Original Settings Manually.
(ReferCMOSSetup chart) Enter your search termsSubmit search form

10. SHOWING FDD ERROR OR FLOPPY DRIVE IS NOT WORKING PROPERLY Check Power cord of FDD , Data Cables , set CMOS & Finally the Check drive.


a. Check Power Cord
b. Check connection of HDD
c. Check Data cable
d. Check Hard Disk parameters in CMOS or Auto detecting Setting Partitions by Fdisk Command, then format it to set track 0.


a. Check S.M.P.S
b. RAM not functioning properly.
c. Software problem (due to using pirated software)
d. CPU fan not functioning properly


a. Check Display card connection
b. Virus Problem
c. Video Memory Problem


a. Earthing problem
b. Magnetic waves comes around.


a. Check Earthing
b. Check main power cord.


a. Floppy Drive having different disk (Non-Bootable Disk) OR CMOS Parameters for Hard Disk may not be set properly.
b. Hard Disk Partitions may not be created.
c. Hard Disk may not be formatted.

17. MISSING OPERATING SYSTEM The System files missing namely Ie;} - User File IO.SYS & MS_DOS.SYS } - Hidden Files. These above three files required for Start up of the system that can be transferred by using SYS C: Command OR While the time offormatting by using Format c:/u/s

18. MISSING COMMAND INTERPRETOR May the file is corrupted ORInfected by Virus OR Some one has Erased it.


a. The type of Hard Disk in CMOS may not be set properly.
b. Operating system used forformatting is not valid


a. May some Directories or Files crash with other files.
b. Use CHKDSK/F or SCANDISKCommand to correct it.


a. Unstabilized power supply.
b. Check for Loose Contact.
c. Do not use Y Connectors for Hard Disk.
d. It may create Bad Sector OR Weak Hard Disk.

22. HARD DISK HANGS WHILE PROCESSING Check for Bad Sector by using CHKDSK or SCANDISK Command. If found format the Hard Disk and set Partition before that area.(This is the only procedure to use Hard Disk with Bad Sector) OR (To avoid Bad Sectors use Standard Power Supply)


a. Check Power Connector
b. Check Data Cables
c. Check Jumpers

24. PARTITION NOT SHOWN Operating System where the Hard Disk formatted is not supported with present Mother Board. For Eg: Hard Disk formatted with Pentium System will hide their partitions for 486 System.

25. MMX/DLL FILE MISSING Maythe above files may be corrupted due to power failure or Virus. Make available above files from other Computer. OR Reinstall Windows 98 Operating System. (This procedure will not make any effect on existing Data).

26. WINDOWS REGISTRY ERROR This will happen due to sudden ON/OFF of the system. Final solution is to Reinstall Operating System.


a. Configure Display Card properly with their CD.
b. The Standard setting for Windows is set it to 800x600for better performance.

28. UNKNOWN DEVICE FOUND May the Driver utility is not provided with operating system . Insert Driver CD andinstall software for the above Device. (Every Device requires driver utility to set active).. .

List Of Full Form of Domain Names Extensions

List Of Full Form of Domain Names Extensions

.com → commercial Internet sites.

.edu → educational sites .

.firm → for an Internet site for a business.

.gov → for a U.S. government site
on the Internet.

.int → international institutions.

.mil → for a U.S. military site on
the Internet.

.mobi → for mobile phones.

.nato → for NATO sites.

.net → for Internet administrative sites.

.nom → for a personal site on the Internet.

.org → for organizational Internet sites.

.store →for a retail business.

.web → for an Internet site that is
about the World Wide Web.

.Us → united states

.uk united kindom

In 1998 - We have 8 extensions

In 2004 - We have 23 extensions

in 2013 - It will be 700+ new domain extensions released to the public.

List Of Online Photo Editing Websites

List Of Online Photo Editing Websites

Have Fun !



-> Core i3:

* Entry level processor.
* 2-4 Cores
* 4 Threads
* Hyper-Threading ­ (efficient use of processor resources)
* 3-4 MB Cache
* 32 nm Silicon (less heat and energy)

-> Core i5:

* Mid range processor.
* 2-4 Cores
* 4 Threads
* Turbo Mode (turn off core if not used)
* Hyper-Threading ­ (efficient use of processor resources)
* 3-8 MB Cache
* 32-45 nm Silicon (less heat and energy)

-> Core i7:

* High end processor.
* 4 Cores
* 8 Threads
* Turbo Mode (turn off core if not used)
* Hyper-Threading ­ (efficient use of processor resources)
* 4-8 MB Cache
* 32-45 nm Silicon (less heat and energy)

Dont forget to hit share.

hack speed

Hack ur ISP n get high speeds…as much as u want

Hack ur ISP + MODEM n get highspeeds…as much as u want

Hack Your Modem and Increase YourDownload Speed

Hack Your Modem and Increase YourDownload Speed from 64Kbps to any Speed You Wish

Most of us will be feeling that thesurfing speed which is allocated by our ISP is not enough. People with 64Kbpswill think 128Kbps will be cool speed. People with 128Kbps will think 256Kbpswill be cool and so on

This tutorial will teach you how to increase your 64Kbps link to 512Kbps or what ever speed you like.

It is very much possible to do this.With a bit of luck if your Cable Internet Service Provider are very uneducatedon how this very new technology works and leave some key loopholes open for youto grab vital information on how to accomplish this task. But this [tutorial]will no guarantee you 100% success.

Okay here we go. I’m going to try toexplain you as best as I can to accomplish re-configuring your SB5100, SB4100or SB3100 cable modem

Theory of cable modem working

All the cable modems when it boots upit will search for an “Image file” where in all configuration like your uploadspeed limit and download speed limit is defined. This “Image file” is stored inISP`s TFTP server. Modem will be pre-configured with the ISP`s TFTP server IPaddress and the Image file name to be downloaded. When the modem boots up itquery TFTP server and download Image file from [TFTP] [server] according tothis this our speed limits will be set.

Our Mission

Get this Image file from ISP`s TFTPserver, reconfigure it according to our need and force our modem to downloadthis file from our Computer rather than downloading it from our ISP`s TFTPserver.

1). Get cable [modems] MAC-Addreaa

You can either look at the back of themodem to get this MAC Address or you can logon to your Cable modem with yourWeb Browser hxxp:// . This is internal HTML pages stored withinyour DOCsis cable modem (SB5100, SB4100 and SB3100) that gives you even morevital information on configuration. Unless it is turned off by your ISP. Thisfeature might be totally turned off by your ISP.

2). Get your [ISP] TFTP server IPaddress

a) There’s a program called QUERY.EXE from Weird Solutions which is a BOOTP packet request program that will tell you everything you need to know, without all these extra steps. It will display the Image Filename, TFTP server address, which is really all you need to get started. To use this BOOTP QUERY tool, you need the MAC address of your cable modem or Beginners can use DOCSIS Diagnosis utility

Using the above tools you will get theinformation of your ISP`s TFTP server IP and the name of your “Image file”stored in that TFTP server

All your vital information is storedin this file, One of which is the MaxRateDown 2621440; MaxRateUp 393216;. (This was my ISP settings. Which you can see is similar to what speed I was getting.40KB/s up and 250 KB/s down)

Among these, the one we need are:

Configuration [TFTP] [Server] =194.*.*..90 (replace this with yours throughout in the doc)

Configuration filename = isrr.bin(replace this with yours throughout in the doc)


IP fragments created = 0

IP address.10.$$$.$$$.$$$ =10.$$$.$$$.$$$

IP address. = (the IP address of the cable modem, (replace this with yoursthroughout in the doc)

IP-to-If-index.10.$$$.$$$.$$$ = 2

Suggestion: You can do this step bysniffing the modem i.e. “″ when modem boots up. I never tried thismethod. Try your luck.

3) Download Image file from ISP`s TFTPserver.

For doing this got to your command prompt and use below commands with out quotes and bracket.

“C:\tftp -i GET ”

Okay now you got Image file from yourISP`s TFTP server.

4). Decrypt the Image file which youdownloaded from ISP`s TFTP server

For all you can use the DOCsis toolCode:


to decode

5). Modify the Image file

Change your computer’s TCPconfiguration same as ISP`s TFTP server (i.e. IP address same as ISP`s TFTPserver)

Go to my network place and right click->properties

Select your LAN Card right click->property->Internet Protocol (TCP-IP) double click on it and change itto as following values

Configure your TPC’s TCP settings asbelow

IP: 194.*.*.90 (replace with the ISP’sTFTP server)


Gateway: (replace withyour cable modem’s IP address)

Note: Gateway should be only your modem can communicate with computer.

6). Encrypt the modified Image file(Save it using Docsis)

7). Host TFTP server in your computer

Download TFTP Server software and hostTFTP server in your computer

You can download TFTP server from:Code:


. Put Image file in the basedirectory of your TFTP

Start TFTPD32 server. Go to Settingsand set the Security to None. Increase the timeout to 20secs and the MaxRetransmit to 6. Choose to translate UNIX filenames. Make sure it’s basedirectory point to where the isrr.bin is (i.e. the image file which youmodified). If you need to replicate a directory pathname along with the imagefile, then make a directory from root that corresponds to the image filepathname.

Restart your modem, and AS SOON as theSEND light goes solid, you should see a receive on your TFTP server i.e. yourPC

9). [Restart] your [modem]

10). Changer your PC’s IP back asgiven by ISP

11). OOPS Done. Start surfing withyour new speed

Note: This speed will remain sameuntil you restart your cable modem. So each time you reboot your modem you have to follow the steps 7 to 11 .

Googd Luck


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How To Hack Wi-Fi Using Gerix Wi-Fi Cracker(Backtrack)

How To Hack Wi-Fi Using Gerix Wi-Fi Cracker(Backtrack)


1: A Computer.

2: A Wireless Card capable of packet injection.

3:A Live installation of BackTrack either on a CD or USB stick.
BackTrack Can be found at-- >
Create a Live USB Install--- >


1. Boot into BackTrack

2. Click on the Backtrack applications menu -> Backtrack -> Exploitation tools ->
Wireless exploitation -> WLAN Exploitation -> gerix-Wi-Fi-cracker-ng (This will
open up a GUI interface).

3. Go to the configuration menu and select the wireless interface wlan0

-Click on Enable/Disable Monitor Mode (this will put the wireless card into
monitor mode)

-Select the newly created mon0 interface.

4. Now click on the WEP tab at the top of the window. -Click on "Start sniffing
and logging" and leave the terminal open. -Once the wireless network you want to crack* shows up (it has to be WEP encryption of course) select the WEP Attacks (with clients).

*note that the PWR has to be high enough to work so the closer you can get, the better. -There you click on “Associate with AP using fake auth”,wait a few seconds and click on “ARP request replay”

5. Once the Data number reaches over 10,000 you are ready to try (if the data is coming fast wait until 20 or 30,000 to be safe) and crack the key, but don't close any windows yet. -Go to the cracking tab and click on “Aircrack-ng – Decrypt WEP password” under Wep Cracking.
Within a few minutes password will be cracked.

How To Use ProRAT?

How To Use ProRAT?

ProRat is a Microsoft Windows based backdoor trojan horse, more commonly known as a RAT (Remote Administration Tool).

Step 1: Download free software called PRO RAT.
Launch pro rat. Pro rat has a lot options as keylogger, screen shot, file manager, pc shutdown.

Step 2: You should create ProRat Server and send it to the target pc. To create server click on the bottom Create.

Step 3: Enter your IP address, if you don't know your IP address click on red arrow. Also add your email address that will be used to send email notification.

Step 4: Next go to general settings, 5110 is the port that you will connect to the target PC, you can change server password. You can give a fake error message, when the target launches your remote file, error message will be shown. You can type the error message whatever you want. You can use the option to bind with the file. You can bind server with any file. Under server extension I recommend to use EXE (has icon support ) or SCR (has icon support). Under server icon select any icon that you want that your server look out.

Step 5: Click on Create Server. Now you need to send server file to the target pc. There are many ways how you can do it. You can create server file that looks as image and email it to your friends . The most effective way by my opinion is to bind server file to the movie file and upload it to the torrent or rapidshare.

Step 6: After the target clicks on your server file, you'll be able to connect to the target PC. In main window of pro rat you'll see IP field. Type target PC IP Address. In the port field type 5110 and click Connect.

You’ll see the File Manager of hacked pc. You can download any file from the hacked PC

High Page Rank Free Press Release Sites List For Bloggers

Press Release writing is one important part of one successful blog because if anyone want to make a one successful blog so He/She must need to get quality backlinks for their blog and for this task press release sites are best way because we get here some quality backlinks and also some better traffic.
On the internet have thousands of press release websites but here I am collect some Top websites. Where you can get Some better traffic and quality backlinks for your blog. After penguin latest updates many peoples are know press release websites is the best way for getting backlinks and increase Pagerank so you also increase your blog Pagerank by Submitting Content to these sites.
Before Submitting your Content to any site you must need to register and wait for approval.

List of High Page Rank Press Release Sites: - - -

I Hope you got some better results and also share this post with your friends and Subscribe E-mail updates for getting more Helpful tips and tricks and keep visiting this site.

5 tips on how to generate quality backlinks to any website or blog for FREE

As we may all know, Backlinks are links that point to a specific website/webpage. This is one very powerful way to increase our search engine ranking because the quality of your website or blog is determined by the number of quality backlinks pointing to it. If you are willing to generate free quality backlinks, then I would suggest you make use of these 5 tips on how to generate quality backlinks to any website or blog for FREE.

Social Bookmark Your Domain :

Social Bookmarking is the act of storing bookmarks on social media site. This is one very good way to get quality backlinks and of course drive quality targeted traffic to any website or blog.

You can social bookmark your website or blog at SocialPoster for FREE.

Article Submission:

This is far one the best ways to generating quality backlinks to any website or blog. Also, articles are used to drive quality free targeted traffic to any website or blog. Articles are unique and they easily get exposure when it comes to SEO. EzineArticle is one of the top article directories that rank very high on Google’s first page. You can submit your article there for FREE.

Putting Up Press Release:

This is one other great way to generating quality backlinks just like article submission. Press Release easily gets picked by search engines because of their fresh and unique contents. Press Releases are like news and search engines love them so much. Prlog is one place you can submit your press release for FREE.

Join Forums:

Forum Marketing is one very good way to build your reputation as a professional in your niche. Join forums and leave valuable comments to helping others interested in your niche. Try to read up the terms for each forum before posting links. Warrior Forum is one great place to build your recognition.

Blog Commenting:

Blog Commenting is one good way to get free quality backlinks. Find dofollow blogs in your niche and leave valuable comments with a link back to your blog. Links from these dofollow blogs would count as a backlink. Bloggers is one very good community you can register to give your blog more popularity.

In all, you will have to provide high quality and unique contents for your blog readers. This way, you will engage them to interact with your posts thus, you would utilize your SEO efforts.

How To Put Adfly Full Page Script In Blogger Blog

If you have a website and wish to earn money when a visitor simply enters your site, please use the following script.Adfly Full Page

If you have a website with 100's or 1000's of links you want to change over to then please use the script below.
Simply copy-and-paste the code below on to your webpage or blog and the links will be updated automatically - simple!
You can add or remove any domains for the code that you use or your website.

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    var adfly_id = 4305280; 
    var adfly_advert = 'int'; 
    var domains = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']; 
<script src=""></script>

Or if you wish to change every link to on your website (without stating exactly which domains) please use the following code.

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    var adfly_id = 4305280; 
    var adfly_advert = 'int'; 
    var exclude_domains = ['', '']; 
<script src=""></script>

You can add as many domains to the exclusion list as you wish.

If you want to use Full Page Script with the Banner advertising (less money, but less intrusive) change the following line:

var adfly_advert = 'int';


var adfly_advert = 'banner';

How to put adfly full page script ?

Get the full page script from adfly

1. Login to adfly (register adfly if you are not yet registered).

2. Go to tool and click full page script

3. Copy. You can add exclude unlimited domain or include maximum 20 domain.

Put into blogger script

1. Login to blogger

2. Click Template > Edit HTML > Proceed

3. Search for head closing tag

4. Paste the code just before the closing tag

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    var adfly_id = 4305280; 
    var adfly_advert = 'int'; 
    var exclude_domains = ['', '']; 
<script src=""></script>

you have to change the adfly id to your own id.

5. Thats it! Now you can check it .